The overarching aim of the multi-disciplinary research program developed at the Centre for Research in Aging is to generate, disseminate, and translate knowledge for evidence-informed medical and nursing practices in long-term care. Our studies seek to develop (or redefine) risk assessment tools and quality of care indicators, and to assess the implementation and validity of long-term care clinical care guidelines. Our research covers a range of topics within the fields of dementia and its associated behavioral and psychological symptoms, including delirium prevention, the use of wearable sensory technology, pressure ulcer risk assessment and prevention, inappropriate transfers to acute care, elder abuse, infection prevention/management, art therapy, sensory impairment, and appropriate prescribing for the institutionalized elderly, particularly those with advanced dementia.
The Centre for Research in Aging is supported by the Donald Berman Maimonides Medical Research Foundation, and is affiliated with McGill University and the Lady Davis Institute of the Jewish General Hospital.